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Polyurethane foam insulation


SCPA Warehouse Exterior Roof Insulation

Updated: Nov 16, 2021



Project Name:

Roofing Application


SCPA Warehouse


Ecofoam Spray - up Application

Date Completed:

June 2009


Cagayan De Oro City


S.E.A Olympus Marketing Inc.

Total Area:

1,035.67 sq. meters


Sanitary Care Products, a known distributor and manufacturer of paper towel products in Cagayan De Oro City has a continuous problem of water leaking during the typhoon seasons and humid temperature during summer in their warehouse factory, respectively. The latter, has caused numerous damages to the paper-based products of the company while the former has been causing discomfort for the part of their workers inside the warehouse and factory. Furthermore, traces of damages in the roofing system were traced and SCPA has been worrying about the needed investment that the roof could not be considered aged already.


ECOFOAM Polyurethane Foam Insulation was sprayed in the existing roofing system to seal in holes and damaged parts caused by the aging of the galvanized roofing material. Also, the 1-inch ECOFOAM Polyurethane Foam was sprayed to intentionally control the conduct of heat from the usual humid ambient temperature that caused discomfort from workers inside the factory. The same material was also sprayed on the roofing of their bunk house where workers usually sleep at night. Despite of the promising features of the ECOFOAM Polyurethane Foam Insulation to control water leaking and prolong the life of existing roofing systems, it is not an assurance for these are just bonus features of the product considering that it's primary function is to control thermal conductivity or heat transfers. Nevertheless, ECOFOAM Polyurethane Foam Insulation has contributed to the reduction of temperature inside the factory and prolonged life of some parts of the roofs that were considered with tolerable damages due to extreme weather conditions.

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